White Magic Tianeptine + Nootropics Proprietary Blend Capsules For Mood Boosting
Increase focus, Enhance mood, Relieve stress
Use either or as an alcohol substitute or social lubricant.
Both formulas contain a variety of nootropic compounds designed for the ultimate experience and party favor!
(more subtle)
Euphoria / Happiness / Bliss
2 Capsules for the ultimate experience !!
Contains: Choline Cittrate, Caffeine Anhydrous, Dimethylbutylamine, 1,3,7,9-Tetramethyluric Acid, Tianeptine Sodium, Nefiracetam, L-Theanine, Sunifiram, Rauwolscine HCL
Want to try The top Selling Tianeptine Products from MT brands products? Dont forget to check out
Pure Phenibut Powder & Capsules (GABA)
Phrenze Capsules (Kratom Replacement Nootropic Blend)
Tianna Capsules (Kratom Replacement Nootropic Blend)
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